PALU at Avionics Expo in Munich to talk about ANGELS System.
The premier exhibition and conference for the hi-tech aerospace sector involved us as speakers to share all of the news and features on our next-generation landing system ANGELS.

The hardest part of starting up is starting out
PALU at Avionics Expo in Munich to talk about ANGELS System.
The premier exhibition and conference for the hi-tech aerospace sector involved us as speakers to share all of the news and features on our next-generation landing system ANGELS.
France, we are coming!
We are proud to announce that PALU has been selected to take part to the YEI – Young Enterprise Initiative supported by The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and run by the Office for Science & Technology of the Embassy of France in the US. In particular, the YEI Start in France is an accelerator for foreign science-based companies interested in growing their business in France and Europe.
In the last week of January, PALU has been selected among other SME Instrument top innovators to take part to a prestigious event organized by the business acceleration services to introduce the most interesting business cases to a delegation of AIRBUS representatives.
Together with other 29 companies operating within the aeronautics market, we had the opportunity to pitch our innovative project ANGELS to an exclusive audience into the Hamburg aviation cluster at the Centre for applied aviation research (ZAL), receiving feedbacks and suggestions.
The companies also shared experiences with other companies and affiliates and got to know.
Richard Morby, Director of the aerospace division at NEXTSENSE Worldwide, stated: “Thanks to SME Instrument I had the chance to pitch with Airbus and met the right people here and I think we are going to start doing good business very soon”.
Torsten Bardewyck, Airbus Head of R&T Business Development EU, shared the excitement: “We are very excited about this event that gives us the possibility to meet at the same time so many fascinating enterprises pitching on new technologies to get them on board of our aircrafts. We have to facilitate to engage with them”.
On wednesday June 28 we held the first official ANGELS System presentation event at ComoNExT-Innovation Hub, and it was such a proud to us!
The event was intended for the industry, and it was organized with the patronage of Associazione Elicotteristica Italiana (AEI), which represents and supports the interests of italian companies operating in the helicopter sector since 1986. Vice-President Roano Grandi opened the session with an interesting speech on rotorcrafts facilities and infrastructures.
We talked about Horizon2020, including participation requirements and benefits of the Program. Mr Steffen Bechtel, Managing Director at Windpark Heliflight Consulting, informed the participants about Offshore Wind Operations in Germany, how it is done practically and about the specifics in offshore wind, outlining the reasons why a glide slope indication is necessary to approach a helideck inside a wind farm at night, and explaining why the present solution (HAPI) is not satisfactory, and ANGELS System could so represent a viable alternative.
The conference ended with an overview of ANGELS technical features and components, including inputs and outputs of the Ground Station and operating principles.
We would like to thank all the participants for coming and showing interest in our project.
Stay tuned for further updates.
You can find videos of the event here:
L’articolo ANGELS OFFICIAL EVENT AT COMONEXT: THANK YOU! sembra essere il primo su Advanced Next GEneration Landing System.
We proudly mention some extracts of our interview for Aero-News Network about ANGELS during HAI Heli-Expo in Dallas:
<<High-Precision Instrument Guidance System Coming Soon To The Market… An Italian start-up company is working on an ADS-B-based technology to enhance safety of helicopter approaches and landings.>>
<<Angels is a precision, ground-based approach system. It downlinks data from the helicopter to the ground station, which makes a predictive elaboration of the data and uplinks it back to the aircraft giving lateral and vertical alignment. Pilots can use an iPad in the cockpit to present the data from Angels, or the aircraft’s cockpit displays can be utilized by the system on larger aircraft.>>
Read the full article or watch the video of the interview:
L’articolo PALU for Aero-News Network sembra essere il primo su Advanced Next-Generation Landing System.
On thursday March 9, ANGELS System was on the front page of HAI Convention News, the industry’s best read and most authoritative news publication: analyst Mark Huber dedicated a large, glowing article to PALU, disclosing our partnership with Freeflight Systems and highlighting the characteristics and the innovation of ANGELS System.
“ANGELS is a ground-based approach system that uses ADS-B technology to provide precision reduced-visibility VFR approaches tailored to helicopter operations in critical situations, when weather conditions cause visibility to be compromised”, Huber writes.
The day before, PALU held a news conference to present ANGELS System (you can find the stream video of the intervention here); many media representatives attended, asking questions and explanations and showing interest in the theme.
We are proud to confirm our cooperation with Freeflight Systems (Irving) in importing ANGELS technology in the US.
L’articolo PALU on the front page sembra essere il primo su Advanced Next-Generation Landing System.
HAI HELI Expo is over, and PALU can be satisfied with its efforts to disseminate the safety culture promoted by ANGELS System.
PALU booth was located in the First Time Exhibitor Pavilion area, and this increased the flow of people around, encouraging curiosity about our innovative product.
Many expressions of interest came from the insiders; in particular, ANGELS use of ADS-B technology gave rise to worthwhile comments and proposals about the system, encouraging the debate upon the future of this asset.
The press conference we held about ANGELS also raised the interest of the media: an article explaining PALU history and ANGELS main characteristics was published on the front page of HAI Convention News Magazine on thursday 09 March morning.
The hope is that the useful contacts, suggestions and discussions we collected at the expo will bear fruit in the next months, for which PALU is going to plan some meetings and events in order to spread ANGELS knowledge among the authorities and institutions of the rotorcraft sector.
L’articolo HELI Expo is over: initial thoughts sembra essere il primo su Advanced Next-Generation Landing System.
On wednesday February 1, over 90 helicopter professionals met together to the annual Helicopter Safety Seminar at the Flight Standards District Office in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sharing demonstrations, ideas and perspectives upon safety requirements and regulations in helicopter missions.
The Federal Aviation Administration provided several depositions for the group.
HAI showcased presentations from Director of Safety Outreach Stan Rose and Dr. Steven Sparks, HAI’s new director of safety. Interesting presentations came also from Bruce Webb, Airbus Helicopters; Mike Hartell, Minnesota Department of Transportation; Eric Monson and Eric Nilson, Lake Superior Helicopters; and Lt. Craig Benz, Minnesota State Patrol.
The Helcopter Safety Seminar is always an important opportunity to monitor and develop the debate on the future of helicopter safe missions.
L’articolo SAFETY SEMINAR IN MINNEAPOLIS sembra essere il primo su Advanced Next-Generation Landing System.
The United States Helicopter Safety Team will host the 2017 Infrastructure Summit at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Washington DC, on February 16-17.
The meeting was launched last year for the first time, and is now expected to foster discussions about the future of helicopter infrastructure within the realm of the low altitude environment of the National Airspace System.
Key topics will be: database integrity standards, accident investigation check list for infrastructure, infrared lighting standards for NVG and NVIS operations, single engine IFR aircraft certification, low level IFR routing criteria and implementation, HEMS weather tools, real time mesoscale analysis and in-cockpit weather improvements.
“The top three fatal accident categories – Loss of Control, Unintended IMC and Low-Altitude Flight – are all elements that can be majorly impacted by a well-designed infrastructure. A robust and well thought out infrastructure can be depended upon when pilots experience UIMC and are key pieces to preventing loss of control and CFIT accidents”, notes Rex Alexander, Co-Founder of HeliExperts Intl LLC and coordinator for the Summit.
Partecipants will be groups and companies that are some way involved with the following issues:
L’articolo HELICOPTER INFRASTRUCTURE SUMMIT sembra essere il primo su Advanced Next-Generation Landing System.