In the last week of January, PALU has been selected among other SME Instrument top innovators to take part to a prestigious event organized by the business acceleration services to introduce the most interesting business cases to a delegation of AIRBUS representatives.
Together with other 29 companies operating within the aeronautics market, we had the opportunity to pitch our innovative project ANGELS to an exclusive audience into the Hamburg aviation cluster at the Centre for applied aviation research (ZAL), receiving feedbacks and suggestions.
The companies also shared experiences with other companies and affiliates and got to know.
Richard Morby, Director of the aerospace division at NEXTSENSE Worldwide, stated: “Thanks to SME Instrument I had the chance to pitch with Airbus and met the right people here and I think we are going to start doing good business very soon”.
Torsten Bardewyck, Airbus Head of R&T Business Development EU, shared the excitement: “We are very excited about this event that gives us the possibility to meet at the same time so many fascinating enterprises pitching on new technologies to get them on board of our aircrafts. We have to facilitate to engage with them”.