In early 2013, the idea of a project about an innovative, non-invasive landing system for helicopters arised from a VOC (Voice of the Customer) in the market; we started working on the idea and about possible solutions.
In late 2013 we finalized our solution and we made a feasibility study to assess the possibility of making it by using the existing technologies.
In November 2014 PALU awarded the Innovation Tender “From Idea to Enterprise” promoted by Como Chamber of Commerce and was included into ComoNExT, a science and technological park which catalyses Italian and foreign companies that have innovation as one of the key elements of their success. The business incubation services offered by ComoNExt included the support of a project tutor in order to help the company refine a business plan and develop a marketing strategy based on a solid network of partnerships.
In 2014 PALU submitted a proposal for Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Research and Innovation Programme, and in 2015 PALU’s ANGELS Project received fundings from SME (Small and Medium -Sized Enterprises) Instrument European Programme for Research and Innovation.
In 2015 PALU received fundings from Regione Lombardia Voucher C.
From February 2017, PALU is partner of FreeFlight Systems (Irving, USA) in bringing Advanced NextGen Landing Systems to the U.S. Market. FreeFlight is providing prototype airborne and ground based ADS-B equipment in support of the program, along with domain expertise in rotorcraft equipage and operations.
In March 2017, PALU exhibited for the first time at HAI Heli-Expo in Dallas, holding a news conference to present ANGELS Project to insiders and media, and collecting great interest.
From 2016 we are proudly member of HAI.